Had An Accident At Work? You May Be Entitled To Compensation
A workplace accident can be an enormously consequential event. If you’re going to deal with it in the right way, then you’ll want to take a number of crucial steps in the aftermath. Let’s run through some of the more important ones.
1. Seek immediate medical attention
To begin with, you should ensure that the area is safe, and that the accident is not going to recur. Then, you should look at getting medical attention for anyone who has suffered an injury. Don’t assume that the symptoms will go away, especially if a head injury is involved. Get a medical professional to assess and document the injuries. This can be critical if you need to rely on evidence later on.
2. Document the accident scene
Make sure that you’ve photographed the scene, along with your injuries, and taken down statements from any witnesses (your colleagues). You can do this quickly and easily using the video camera on your phone. The earlier you record these things, the fresher and more accurate the information will tend to be. Don’t allow the scene to be cleaned up before you’ve thoroughly documented it.
3. Report the incident to your employer
All employers with more than ten employees working for them are required to keep an accident book. This is where the details of the event should be recorded. This document will help you to evidence compensation claims – but it will also help your employer to understand patterns of risk, and take action to make future accidents of this kind less likely.
4. Understand your rights and seek legal advice
Employers have a legal duty to provide a safe working environment. Similarly, employees have a right to pursue compensation whenever an accident is caused by employer negligence, and the employee in question suffers an injury as a result of it.
Of course, if you lack legal expertise yourself, you might not be able to establish that there’s a claim worth pursuing. For this reason, it might be worth involving a personal injury solicitor early on. Many solicitors operating in this area of law will offer their services on a no-win, no-fee basis, meaning that you’ll get peace of mind as you navigate the process.
A solicitor can advise you on all types of claims you are entitled to, for example:
* The loss of enjoyment of a prearranged holiday
* Care and assistance from friends and family
* Increased heating/electricity bills
* Travel expenses – e.g. to medical appointments or treatment sessions
It’s important, generally speaking, to be aware of your rights before an accident occurs. This might apply especially if you’re working in an area where the risks are substantial and obvious. If you’re working in a factory environment, for example, then you might need access to a certain kind of personal protective equipment. If your employer fails to provide it, then they might later be found liable.