How to Use SMS Messaging To Grow Your Business
The average person checks their mobile phone 160 times a day.
That’s more than computer and TV together.
Plus, open rates for texts hugely surpass email — 98% versus just 20% for email.
People (especially Millennials and Gen Z) are obsessed/addicted to their phones and are always ready to use them to find information or check the latest social media updates.
This is why brands use SMS marketing to communicate directly with their prospective customers.
The many uses of SMS messaging
SMS texts have many uses and it’s not just marketing promotions. Messente is a great text messaging API and user authentication that offers many SMS tools for whatever your business needs: from notifications and two-factor authentication to transaction confirmation and fraud prevention – it’s a one-stop-shop.
Here are some use cases for SMS messaging:
1) Alerts
SMS alerts give your customers the chance to choose how they want to be communicated with. By allowing them access to SMS alerts at their leisure, you offer them full control over their communication with your brand (or organization). SMS messages are a preferred choice for SMS alert notifications.
2) SMS marketing
SMS marketing has been used successfully by many businesses since SMS messages became popular. SMS messages allow you to get your message across quickly and efficiently. You can use SMS marketing to make special offers, invite people to events, share coupons or contests, and more.
Since people don’t check their messages anymore and peer-to-peer communications have moved to Whatsapp, many businesses now use Whatsapp to communicate with their customers. Getting your dedicated a Whatsapp business number is super simple. You can still use your personal phone while messaging customers from a business number with Whatsapp.
3) Newsletters
Newsletters are an excellent way to keep in touch with your clients. Instead of sending email newsletters, send them SMS messages instead. This way, they will be able to read your newsletter when it’s convenient for them; they don’t have to worry about finding access to the Internet or checking their email at all. The great thing about SMS messages is that most cell phones nowadays are internet-capable, which means you can send long messages with links to articles or web pages.
4) Customer support
SMS messaging can be used for customer support. Texts are a convenient way to communicate with your customers at a pace that is suitable for them 24/7. Texting is great for business too, as you don’t have to hire call centre staff at certain times or deal with human error (people misunderstanding each other on the call, problems not being solved, etc).
For many customers it’s an easy way to get quick answers or to provide feedback on purchases or services.
Multiple studies show that Millennials and Gen Z prefer texting over talking. Texting allows some time to collect our thoughts and put them into logical sentences, which sometimes can get lost when we speak.
5) Do business on the go
SMS messaging allows you to do business even if you’re out of the office or on a business trip and have no data/wifi.
You can send SMS messages to stay on top of emails, confirm meetings or appointments, attend video meetings, and send out progress reports.
A phone can help you establish a strong presence without having to go out-of-pocket with the cost of hiring staff or consultants when it comes to social media, email marketing, and other online marketing channels.