Millennials (also known as Generation Y, Digital Natives, Generation Me, Generation Rent, and Echo Boomers) are generational cohort born roughly between 1980-2000. They are the generation before Generation Z (most of whom are currently 16-24 years old).

Millennials are likely the most studied and talked about this generation to date.

They are the first generation in history who have grown up totally immersed in a world of digital technology, which has shaped their identities and created lasting political, social, and cultural attitudes.

Like every other generation, Millennials display generalized and unique traits that make them different from their predecessors.

Mainstream media has drawn a picture of Millennials as lazy, narcissistic, and entitled selfie-lovers. To balance out the perception, I’ve listed a more unbiased view of Millennial characteristics backed up by some research below.

This list is an ongoing work, which eventually should morph into “The Ultimate List Of All Millennial Characteristics You Can Think Of”.

Updated 02.01.2024.

Millennials – the largest generation in Western history

Millennials are the largest generation in Western history. As of 2012, it is estimated that there are approximately 72.1 million Millennials in the US and 16.8 million Millennials in the UK (according to the official UK statistics on statista.com).

In 2015 Millennials surpassed Generation X to become the largest share of the American workforce, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data.

Our massive size ensures that we will dominate everything for years to come, just as the Baby Boomers have for the last 30 years.

It is estimated that by the year 2048, Millennials will represent 39% of the nation’s electorate. This will give us incredible voting power. In fact, we are already having a huge impact on elections. In 2008, Millennials were the number one reason why Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination during the primary season.

Millennials – the most educated generation in Western history

Millennials are the most educated generation in Western history.

34% of 25 to 29-year-old Americans held a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, professional degree, or doctoral degree last year – a higher share than in any year in data going back to 1968, according to Matthew Chingos, a senior fellow at Brookings. The share will probably increase as Millennials, usually described as those born after 1980, mature.

Millennial women are outperforming Millennial men in the classroom. Overall, Millennial girls tend to outperform boys in elementary and secondary school, getting higher grades, pursuing tougher academic programs, and participating in advanced placement classes at higher rates.

Additionally, 57% of today’s undergraduates are women, and women are now earning 170,000 more bachelor’s degrees each year than men.

While in 1970 fewer than 10% of medical students and 4% of law students were women, today women represent roughly half of the nation’s law and medical students and 55% of the nation’s professionals overall.

Without a doubt, education is a big factor in achieving success for Millennials. The majority of us think that education is a big factor in achieving success in life and we are willing to put ourselves into debt to get that increasingly expensive piece of paper.

Millennials (also known as Generation Y, Digital Natives, Generation Me, Generation Rent, and Echo Boomers) are a generational cohort born roughly between 1980-1997.

Millennials are likely the most studied and talked about this generation to date.

They are the first generation in history who have grown up totally immersed in a world of digital technology, which has shaped their identities and created lasting political, social, and cultural attitudes.

Like every other generation, Millennials display generalized and unique traits that make them different from their predecessors.

Millennials are technologically savvy

We are the first generation to grow up constantly connected to the world, and are what the Pew Research Center has labeled “Digital natives in a land of digital immigrants.” Without a doubt, we have embraced technology like no other generation.

Millennials clearly adapt faster to computer and internet services because they have always had them.

A global study of Millennials conducted by Telefonica in 2014  reveals that mobile technology is important to Millennials across the board, and it’s not all for fun and games. In addition to entertaining themselves and keeping up with social contacts, 46% of US Millennials and more than 60% of Latin Millennials said they use their devices for research and education.

The Telefonica study interviewed 6,700 men and women age 18 to 30 in the US and Western Europe.

The vast majority of Millennials everywhere see themselves as being “on the cutting edge of technology,” though they don’t necessarily want a tech career.

72% reported owning a smartphone and 28% had a tablet.

Millennials do everything tech-related in higher percentages than all other generations. We are the most likely to use the internet and send or receive an email at least occasionally (90% reportedly do), although Gen X and Boomers aren’t far behind (at 87 and 79%, respectively).

And Millennials are not only most likely to have created a profile on a social networking site, but we are also most likely to visit our profile page “several times a day” (29% say they do, compared to 19% of Gen Xer’s and 11% of Boomers).

Millennials also have more positive attitudes about technology than other generations–we are the most likely to say that technology makes life easy rather than harder, are the most likely to say technology brings people closer together than drives them further apart, and are the most likely to say that technology allows people to use their time more efficiently.

Millennials are civic-oriented

The millennial generation has a strong sense of community both on a local and global scale. Compared to the previous generation, Millennials focus on larger societal needs rather than individual needs.

“People born between 1980 and 2000 are the most civic-minded since the generation of the 1930s and 1940s,” claimed USA Today.

Millennials believe in the value of political engagement and are convinced that government can be a powerful force for good.

According to the Deloitte Millennial Survey, Millennials consider the government to have the greatest potential to address society’s biggest issues. Almost half feel governments are having a negative impact on areas identified as among the top challenges: unemployment (47%), resource scarcity (43%), and income inequality (56%).

Also, the majority of Millennials say that the rising inequality gap is a serious problem in this country. A 2014 National Election Survey found that 84% of 18-to-26-year-olds felt that the gap between rich and poor had grown in the last 20 years and 94% said that this was a bad thing, a higher percentage than all other generations.

Millennials are likely to support a progressive tax system, and they want to increase the minimum wage to support free trade and believe that government regulations on businesses are necessary to keep them in check and to protect consumers.

Overall, Millennials feel obligated to do their part to make the world a better place, and we believe that we can.

Civic generations tend to bring about times of greater economic equality and more inclusive racial and ethnic concerns. Thus, it isn’t surprising that a Civic generation like Millennials shows high levels of compassion–a characteristic that will certainly be instrumental in helping us to build a powerful legacy.

Millennials are conscious

When it comes to health, social, economic, and environmental issues, Millennials are the most conscious generation to date.

Millennials are often referred to as conscious capitalists which means that they look up to businesses that serve the interests of all major stakeholders—customers, employees, investors, communities, suppliers, and the environment.

A whopping 81% expect companies to show their commitment to corporate responsibility.

Nielsen’s global online study found that Gen Y continues to be most willing to pay extra for sustainable offerings—almost 3-out-of-4 of respondents in the latest findings, up from approximately half in 2014. This is a generation that truly believes that it can influence the world with the power of the wallet (or credit card).

A socially conscious mindset is one of the most defining traits of Gen Y. As the most ethnically and racially diverse generation in US history (43% of U.S. adults are non-white), Millennials have learned to embrace the differences in one another.

Millennials are global citizens

The majority of Millennials see themselves as global citizens, who have a responsibility to make the world better. They are less patriotic and more globally minded, which enables them to contribute to the general welfare of society.

A global citizen respects and values diversity is outraged by social injustice, is willing to act to make the world a more equitable and sustainable place and takes responsibility for their actions.

Millennials are entrepreneurial

Millennials are the most entrepreneurially-minded generation ever.

In the US, only 13% of survey respondents said their career goal involves climbing the corporate ladder to become a CEO or president. By contrast, almost two-thirds (67%) of said their goal involves starting their own business.

Millennials have disregarded the life and career path that was so formally laid out by the Baby Boomers and eager to make their own pathways as they see chaos, distrust of corporations, redundancy, and other bad news associated with businesses.

People’s minds are open to new possibilities, exciting opportunities, and great challenges.

It is now easier than ever to start your own website and business, which is one of the reasons Millennials are discovering entrepreneurship significantly earlier than Boomers did. While the older generation launched their first businesses at roughly 35 years old, so-called “millennipreneurs” are setting out around 27—which means some of them already have almost a decade of experience.

Millennials are starting more businesses, too. On average they launch about twice as many companies as boomers have.

However, many of the businesses set up by Millennials, unfortunately, fail.

According to the Kauffman Foundation, young people very well may lead the country in entrepreneurship, as a mentality. But when it comes to the more falsifiable measure of entrepreneurship as an activity, older generations are doing most of the work. The average age for a successful startup founder is about 40 years old.

In the UK, Millennials have built new businesses out of the ruins of a recession since 2008, and in doing so, they’ve changed the career expectations for a whole generation.

More Brits are joining the freelance ranks. 1/6 of the UK workforce are self-employed and Western society hasn’t seen a change this significant in more than a century.

Since the crash of 2008, self-employment has skyrocketed in the UK. Today roughly 4% of Millennials were self-employed, which is a significant proportion of the total 31.85 million employed (2017).

The recession has shown that there is no job for life and that we live in the economy of SELF, where only YOU are responsible for what is going to happen with your life. Millennials are enthusiastic about creating their own luck and work opportunities throughout life. If you are a freelancer or have a portfolio career, check out resumeperk.com – an affordable resume editing service for Millennials.

Millennials are realizing that starting a company, even if it fails, teaches them more than sitting in a cubicle for 10 years. And learning is the number one force for societal and personal progress.

Not sure about your strengths and weaknesses? Take one of the most granular personality tests where you can learn which of the 16 personality types are you.

Millennials are flexible

Millennials value flexible working arrangements and freedom over the stable 9-to-5.

They want to work from remote locations with non-traditional hours.

They are also likely to pursue flexible career paths as they prioritize work-life balance higher than their previous generations.

Several other researchers have noted that, while money is important, Millennials do not see money as their only source of happiness. Rather, they feel rewarded by work arrangements that offer them more flexibility. PwC study found, that 15% of male employees and 21% of female employees would give up some of their pay and slow the pace of promotion in their careers in exchange for working fewer hours.

Whether it’s a night owl who’s still half asleep at 9 AM, the Millennial who wants to volunteer in her community, or the parent, who needs to care for their kids or elderly, everyone has an equal right to request flexible working.

77% of Millennials say that flexible work hours would make the workplace more productive for people their age (Bentley University study), and 82% of Millennials said they are more loyal to their employer if they have flexible working options (Flexjobs).

Millennials are pragmatic idealists

For a long time, pragmatic and idealism were seen as opposites. Now Millennials are saying “We want to change the world and we know it’s not going to be easy, but we going to have the plan to get there.”

From an early age, Millennials witnessed firsthand what it takes to be agents of change and as a result, 61% are worried about the state of the world and feel personally responsible for making a difference.

The typical belief of a pragmatic idealist:

〰️ “Believe in your dreams and the only thing that stands between dreams and reality is your own hands to make it happen.”

Millennials are authentic

Millennials want to be real. They want to stay true to who they are, their values, and their individuality. They want their employers to respect their individual differences and embrace the potential that these unique qualities can bring.

Millennials are not interested in playing “the game” their parents once did. For many generations before, the cost of playing the game was too high: failed marriages, burnout, too little work-life balance, depression, etc.

In the age of social media, authenticity is characterized by consistency and continuity between their online personas and their lives in the real world.

Matthew Tyson wrote on The Huffington Post in 2016 that millennials “are not moved by flashy ads, big promises, and ‘wow’ factor. They want authentic messages, authentic brands, and authentic interactions.”

What does “authentic” mean? It means imperfect and transparent. Open your business up a little. Show what’s happening behind the scenes. Do what you say you do on social media. Stand for what you say you stand for on social media.

Millennials are transparent

Millennials want to have open and honest relationships with their manager and co-workers.

Transparency in the workplace means sharing truths about the company, providing honest feedback on performance, and encouraging two-way communication.

Employees’ job satisfaction is higher when leaders share information, including bad news, evaluate their job performance regularly, create a supportive climate and expect input.

Millennials seem to expect open communication from their leaders and managers, even about matters that have traditionally been considered for more senior employees. In other words, even in a low-level position, Millennial workers require to be kept in the loop of information.

Maccoby (2000) states that Millennials leaders should increase trust by promoting transparency and involvement.

Transparency refers to being clear of the reasons behind decisions and being open about policies, results, and information of the market.

This is because Millennials want to know about what is coming down the road and also have a say in decisions of which they are expected to implement. It is important for employees that their views are heard and taken into account.

According to the world’s largest human resources consulting firm Mercer, pay is less of a secret to Millennials. Roughly 1/3 of U.S. workers aged 18 to 36 say they feel comfortable discussing pay with their co-workers, which is about four times more than Baby Boomers, (according to a survey of 1,000 employees conducted by personal finance firm Bankrate Inc).

Millennials are frugal

Conscious of unemployment, stagnant wages, and lack of stable jobs, Millennials try to live within their means, save for emergencies, and not buy things they don’t need.

Trying to get by by spending as little as possible, has become the norm for many young people. Leading a minimalistic life is the new cool.

Millennials don’t want to buy stuff, but experiences trump possessions. Millennials prefer to spend on experiences – food/drinks, eating out, concerts and wellness.

It’s hard to find a perfect gift for a Millennial. One of the best ways to appreciate their need for individuality and personification is to look into customizing hard enamel pins.

Millennials are liberal

According to The Economist, surveys of political attitudes among Millennials in the UK suggest increasingly liberal attitudes about social and cultural issues, as well as higher overall support for classical liberal economic policies than preceding generations.

Millennials are more likely to support same-sex marriage and the legalization of marijuana. Data released by the Pew Research Centre found that acceptance of gay marriage is at an all-time high among young adults, so it’s much more likely we will be seeing more progress if our generation votes and continue to be vocal.

77% of Democratic-leaning Millennials and 63% of their Republican counterparts support legalised marijuana, according to the latest data from Pew. Those are the highest numbers among any age group. It turns out that being subjected to anti-drug lobbying for most of their adolescence hasn’t prevented today’s 20 and 30-somethings from concluding that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol, and that, if your goal is to promote a healthy and just society, it might not make much very much sense to legalize the latter and put people in jail for the former.

Millennials are compassionate

Another 2006 Harvard Institute of Politics survey found that 74% of 18-to-25-year-olds said that their number one reason for volunteering was to help other people, and 11% said it was to address a social or political problem.

None said that it was because it was a requirement to graduate from high school. A 2006 UCLA survey of 26,000 freshman found that two-thirds said that it is “essential or very important” to help others, the highest percentage to agree with this statement in 25 years.

Millennials volunteer mainly because we want to help people. We want to be a part of changing and improving lives and we have quite a bit of disdain for selfishness.

Millennials are progressive

Millennials don’t just accept the status quo and they will challenge the system if there’s something we could improve on.

We think independently despite the system we’re operating within. We constantly question the messages society puts out through the media.

According to the numerous studies conducted on Millennials, we are a very progressive generation. This may not be very surprising to many since it is commonly believed that young people are always progressive, but then become more conservative as they age. More than likely Millennials will largely retain our progressive views even as we age.

To us, being progressive is about wanting to move the country forward, to advocate change, to advance new ideas and policies.

In fact, a November 2008 Pepsi Refresh Optimism report on Millennials found that we tend to embrace change, and 95% make positive associations with the word. The top words Millennials associated with change were “new” (79%), “progress” (78%), “hope” (77%) and “excitement” (72%).

And according to the 2007 Greenberg Millennials Study, participants reported that one of the top defining characteristics of their generation is the ability to “embrace innovation and new ideas.”

Social issues are where Millennials hold the most progressive views. In terms of homosexuality, interracial relationships, gender roles, immigration, and religion, poll after poll and study after study confirms that Millennials hold decidedly more progressive views than all other generations alive today, and in history.

Couples are more progressive. More women are becoming breadwinners and co-parenting with their partners.

Millennials are confident

Nearly 9 in 10 high school students in the US today say that they would use the word “confident” to describe themselves.

PwC Millennial survey (2015) revealed that British female Millennials are the most confident and ambitious of any female generation. 49% of them starting their careers believe they can reach the very top levels with their current employer.

And according to a November 2008 Pepsi Refresh Optimism report found that 81% of Millennials chose the word “hopeful” to describe their feelings about the future, 65% chose “optimistic” and 57% chose the words “confident” and “excited”.

Millennials have been raised to believe that we can accomplish anything. Our parents, teachers, coaches and all adults who have been a part of our lives, have drilled it into our heads that “if you believe you can achieve it, you probably can.”

Our sense of “specialness” is what drives our confidence. It isn’t individual confidence that fuels this attitude, it is collective confidence.

We just aren’t letting these immense challenges that we have before us dampen our spirit. Instead, we are becoming increasingly determined to work together to solve these problems. We really do believe that things will get better.

Millennials are diverse

Millennials are America’s 2nd most ethnically and racially diverse cohort ever after Generation Z (born between 1997-2013). Gen Z  is the last generation in US history to be majority white.

Among Millennials ages 13 to 29: 18.5% are Hispanic; 14.2% are Black; 4.3% are Asian; 3.2% are Mixed Race or Other; and 59.8%, are Caucasian (Keeter, 2010).

Millennials are more accepting of all kinds of people. No matter what colour their skin is, how they dress, or what religion they are.

Millennials view diversity as a way to create unity in a country as opposed to using so-called “identity politics” to divide the country. In fact, a January, 2010 Pew Research Center Study revealed that 67% of 18-to-29-year-olds agreed that increasing ethnic and racial diversity is a good thing.

Our diversity will be crucial to us as we attempt to overcome some big issues like racism, immigration, sexism, homosexuality and religious differences.

Millennials are very open-minded about diversity, so we don’t really care about the colour of your skin, what country you come from, what gender you belong to, what gender you are attracted to, and even what God or Gods you pray to (if any at all).

A majority support same-sex marriage, we almost unanimously agree that interracial relationships should be accepted by society, a large majority support equal pay and opportunities for women, we are the most likely to feel that immigration is a good thing for our country, and we are the most religiously tolerant generation alive today.

Millennials are practical and results-oriented

Millennials are interested in processes and services that work and speed their interactions.

They expect the evaluation and promotion of their work to be based on the outcomes they produce and not based on age, time spent at the desk, years of experience, or position (Alsop 2008; Hill 2002).

Millennials are practical, if they are offered a service, they expect it to work and they have no tolerance for services that do not continuously and reliably add value.

Millennials are furious when they feel they are wasting their time; they want to learn quickly and move on.

Millennials are team-oriented

Millennials seem to be more people-oriented in their working style, establishing close relationships at the workplace. This is the opposite of how Generation Z wants to work.

They prefer egalitarian leadership, not hierarchies.

After many years of collaborating at schools, sports teams, and peer-to-peer networks, most Millennials like working in groups. We highly prefer a sense of unity and collaboration over division and competition.

Teamwork is something Millennials actually enjoy because working together is far more effective than doing it alone.

Contrary to previous generations, Millennials were brought up in an atmosphere of equal relationships and co-decision-making, and they have a community-oriented “we can fix it together” mindset.

Also, the 2007 Greenberg Millennials Study found that when respondents were asked about the best way to address the challenges facing the country, the leading choice by far was “through a collective social movement.”

The Millennial generation’s attraction to teamwork could be, and arguably already is, a big factor in strengthening our civil and political engagement.

Millennials are non-religious

UK Millennials and religion

Over half of Millennials polled in the UK in 2013 said they had ‘no religion nor attended a place of worship’, other than for a wedding or a funeral.

25% said they ‘believe in a God’, while 19% believed in a ‘spiritual greater power’ and 38% said they did not believe in God nor any other ‘greater spiritual power’.

The poll also found 41% thought religion is ‘the cause of evil’ in the world more often than good.

US Millennials and religion

In the United States, Millennials are less likely to practice organized religion than older generations, and are more likely to be skeptical of religious institutions.

While the majority of American Millennials are religious, one in three is irreligious, continuing a trend towards irreligion that has been increasing since the 1940s.

29% of Americans born between 1983 and 1994 are irreligious, as opposed to 21% born between 1963 and 1982, 15% born between 1948 and 1962 and only 7% born before 1948.

Millennials are multi-taskers

Millennials excel at juggling several tasks at once since this an efficient and practical use of their time.

Multi-tasking can enable them to accelerate their learning by permitting them to accomplish more than one task at the same time. They do want to use their time most efficiently and multitasking offers them more options. For example, a student may download and listen to a lecture while doing his/her laundry or exercising.

The research shows that Millennials will rarely instant message someone without doing some other task(s) simultaneously.

Millennials are nomadic

The nomad, defined as “an individual with no fixed location who wanders in search of pasture” can represent a cultural ideal for this generation. In the face of social and financial pressure, many are attempting to remain free from the feeling of restriction.

Millennials have also a nomadic communication style – they are prolific communicators, whose communications are speeded by using shorthand, coded, or abbreviated text.

They love and expect communication mobility; to remain in constant touch wherever and whenever. This is their firm desire to do whatever they need to do, and obtain any services independent of their geography or distance.

Millennials are much more likely to instant or text message more frequently than they email and they typically have more buddies on their IM lists than the older generations.

Millennials love a flat, networked world and expect nomadic connectivity, 24×7.

Millennials are impatient

Millennials are impatient about becoming recognised as valuable contributors (Gursoy et al. 2008; Pew Research Center 2007). They view time as a valuable resource that should not be wasted (Deloitte 2009).

Millennials are the impatient “We Want It Now” generation. We are the products of our society – we are bombarded with more than 5,000 marketing messages a day and as a result, can’t hold attention for more than 8 seconds.

On-demand services like Google, Amazon, Netflix, Uber, Deliveroo don’t add to our patience either. We expect instant gratification, instant answers, and instant services.

Millennials are adventurous

Millennials are looking for adventures.

I’m reluctant to put this phenomenon down to youthful wanderlust alone, because the breadth of experiences this generation craves suggests there’s something more to it:

* Far more Millennials than Non-Millennials report a desire to visit every continent and travel abroad as much as possible, according to Boston Consulting Group.

* More than twice as many Millennials as those in other age brackets say they are willing “to encounter danger in pursuit of excitement,” according to Barkley.

* When Millennials dine out, they’re often in search of something exotic, adventuresome, memorable to explore during the experience.

The Ultimate List Of Generation Z Characteristics


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  • Deborah

    I’m not a millennial… my experience with them …
    They tend to be very self serving… what’s best for them
    … they have a “better than others” attitude, judgemental … I blame the parents a lot ( myself included ) as we raised our children, often giving them comfort, not wanting them to struggle … they were given too much now they “expect” and feel entitled

    I hired a young lady who felt that because she had a diploma ( online college ) that she was “entitled” to a higher salary even though she had no actual experience…she didn’t stay long
    And sadly, MANY in tech generations don’t have the knowledge that their diplomas imply due to the (lazy) ability to cut&paste information rather than actually read, write and absorb .. their research is “Googled” rather than searched for in libraries and other resources

    • Kate

      Your response is extremely biased…how can you label every single Millennial as being lazy and entitled? Have you met every single Millennial on the face of the planet? You are relying on an uneducated biased notion you gained through only a few encounters with Millennials. If you bothered to get to know a Millennial, personally you would see how wrong you are.

    • Anonymous

      I agree! Self-serving!

    • Anonymous

      Exactly! They think they are entitled! The only thing this page says that is correct is that they are impatient! They demand everything they want now, without
      working for it. They would rather work part time while getting full time benefits. They want us “Boomers” to die. They cry about pollution while speeding around in their parents car or jetting to their favorite vacation spot.

    • Chris

      Kate, you sound like a Millennial. Deborah did not say all but those that she has experienced. Calm down Kate all of you Millennials are unique little snowflakes. I am sure Deborah did not mean to insult you.

      • Tanya

        Chris, thank you for moderating the fight! 🤘🏼 We need you

    • Jeanette

      Yes, the vast majority of millennials I have worked with are lazy. I have had them take credit for my work. I have seen a couple get scammed (no smarts here) by text messages. Everything offends them. But they are allowed to speak their minds. Entrepreneural, yes. Realistic about it, no.

      • Tanya

        Thanks for sharing your experience, Jeanette.

    • Zet

      Most Millennials were severely neglected on all fronts. Across the board.

  • Mya

    I have a millennial son.
    He is highly intelligent, highly motivated, efficient, and committed to his own business.
    He takes a path different from the one I took, but his path suits the times, and not only do I admire him, but I stand back while he plans his own life.

    • Tanya

      Great attitude! Thank you for being on our side by trying to understand us x

  • Anthony

    Why does there need to be a side to be on, each generation through history continues the evolution of our society. Each has struggled with and mostly found solutions to the challenges infront of them, be that through economic instability, poor healthcare, social instability ( war, suppression, racism ) and mostly without issuing blame and hatred towards their predecessors.

    • Tanya

      Thanks for leaving a comment, Anthony. I agree with you. I also think it’s positive to see a mother, who supports her son no matter what.

    • Zet

      I adore this comment ❤️
      That is how it should be, indeed. Unfortunately, it’s acceptable and even encouraged, it seems, to chew off, spit out, hate and obliterate the Millennial generation and no one bats an eye! Unfortunately, having broken my own sacred rule of “don’t read the comment section” I, as expected, read, many hateful things. Y? Millennials must only be hated?

  • Susan

    I’ve worked and lived with many millennials, and I have to say I disagree with some of this. My experience is that a lot of millennials tend to be very authoritarian and bossy. Refusing feedback and instruction at work because they think they know everything.
    And yet under that facade of confidence is often a lot of insecurity and they tend to fall apart emotionally when things get tough.

    • Anonymous


    • Andrew Long

      Interestingly there doesn’t appear to be any mention of the down side to hiring a millennial?

    • Anonymous

      Totally agree

  • T

    I like this article and want to quote the author in my school project, can you please give me the name of the author? Thank you

    • Tanya

      aw thanks, it’s Tanya Korobka

  • Teresa

    One of my life loves is a millennial – my daughter. She doesn’t feel the need to be unauthentic to People Please. I love her individuality and passion. Sometimes her honesty is more than I want to hear as a mother. Her definition of success isn’t external but internal. It isn’t what she has but who she has become. I wish I had her confidence and courage at that age.

    • Tanya

      Beautifully put Teresa, and thanks for leaving this comment! I have the same feeling – I wish I could have been that honest and unapologetic in my early 20s as many people are now.

  • Kelli Glover

    My that I’d quite a list and I agree with many things on it. But do Millineals have any fsults? Strengths well
    weaknesses iare the true measurements on any list. I am quite sure perfect humans do not exist. Have a nice day!

    • Tanya

      They do! 🙂 and I’m currently working on expanding this list. Thank you for your advice.

  • Edward Baker

    A Very solid review and delineation of this group.

    • Tanya

      Thank you, Edward ,)

  • Mark

    They are lazy waste of space, sucking out the planets and parents resources. Grow up and make your own way.

    • Leslie

      Okay boomer

    • Well said Mark you are the man…

    • Chelsea Felix

      OK boomer, we live in a world where we grow up worrying if there will be enough clean water, clean air, if animals will go extinct because of your generation and because you dont know that your actions had consequences. i think is to idiotic of you to say that when you wasted our space with your pollution and trash. we are making our own way with the rubble you left us with.

    • Anonymous

      You’re right Mark. Babies are born that way. It’s the parents’s job to take care through their development and teach them to be good responsible citizens.

    • Emily Bessette

      Thanks. 😞 I’m a millennial. That is just 1 person, we’re not all the same!

    • Anonymous

      The problem is, ppl of the older generations don’t want that because they only see us leaving our jobs under them as their next competition. And you older generations do everything in your power to prevent our progress to do our own stuff by all the complains yall put in to state and city governed work forces. And you claim we are lazy but we are just sick of workforce slavery. You own the jobs-

    • Priscilla Tate

      When rent is more than our pay; we lose our homes. Resulting in the inability to further obtained the job. If anything you are proving in your actions through your post mark that the negative things said about us really pertain to older gens. Who feel initialed to suck the life out of our free will, and to try to use us as there slave laborers. If I lose my home, I can’t come into work until I’ve

    • Priscilla Tate

      Until I’ve put in as many housing applications I need to for the day. Something you older gets didn’t have to struggle with Mark is juggling work and rehousing yourself at the same time while tryna maintain the look that your still housed to keep your job. So you might wanna rethink you idea of laziness before talking. Get your facts first. It is that issue with unsustainable pay and housing that-

  • Thank you for sharing good knowledge and information it’s very helpful and understanding.. as we are looking for this information for a long time.

    • Tanya

      Here to serve the people 🙂

  • Kalain

    The great awakening ? new earth THANK YOU MIllennials❣️❣️❣️❣️

    • Anonymous


  • There is no such thing as individual generations, only a continuous cycle of births and deaths. We are all predominantly born slaves, these days to the financial economy. Nothing has changed only technology, which I fear will be the eventual undoing of humanity.

    • Tanya

      Thanks for the comment, Annette. Don’t you think you are different from your grandparents? The way you live, think, interact etc ?

  • Anonymous

    Yes. They are everything listed here, I agree. But the confidence they display comes off as narcissistic arrogance to older generations who have earned their due respect. Most millenials haven’t accomplished much yet feel they are equal to older generations who by their accomplishments have earned their place in society.

  • m0r6aN

    You’re obviously a millennial or you haven’t spent any time around any. They are lazy, completely uneducated where it matters (real life $hit) and entitled.

    I don’t blame them. Honestly, I believe it’s a result of parents wanting their kids to have things they never had, technology, and a political system that is constantly kissing their asses because they are the new baby boomers.

    • Lana

      I agree. Perhaps, as a GenXer, we should take ownership of some of the problems that millenials typify. As GenXers, we taught millenials skills that they can’t apply, given them tips on wealth building that were useless and introduced them to ‘adulting” years before they had the emotional capacity to handle it. Technology that was thought to advance them has made them slaves to screens. Own it!

    • Not Lazy

      Hi there. I’m a millennial. I work about 60 hours a week, and my workday begins at 5:30 a.m. Sure, my parents may have wanted me to have things they never had, but I certainly did not get those things. We were very poor growing up. I grow and harvest my own food, do my own home/car repairs, volunteer at a local food pantry, and tutor high school students on weekends. Go ahead, call me lazy again.

  • Nova

    I think millennials don’t buy into the “you have to earn it” mentality. That is why we are perceived as lazy or entitled. See the thing is we watched the older generations struggle and fight and earn what they got. Sorry we want an easier life? Why is that a bad thing? We define our worthiness differently- it’s not linked to our sacrifice or need to prove ourselves to others.

    • Tanya

      Yes, that’s exactly it! I don’t need a big house/car.. I just want to love my days, not impress others ;). Thanks for the comment, Nova

  • William

    As a Boomer we fought communism taking hold in America. I think the Zoomers will bring the country back.

    • Tanya

      Let’s hope so 😉

  • Anonymous

    Gee, they sound absolutely perfect. Far superior to their predecessors. And far more narcissistic.

    • As a baby boomer, I have twin girls that are millennial’s. I appreciate all of the data as I am trying to understand them and be able to communicate better with them. It is not easy and will take effort on both sides, but I am hopefully. One thing is hard to understand is that my generation, or maturity level, we are ok with disagreements. Millennials are not. Or it doesn’t seem so.

      • Tanya

        Interesting observation about not tolerating disagreement, Steven. I feel like, maybe Millennials have strong morals and they feel very strongly about right and wrong, and hence will not accept your beliefs if they feel like you are in the wrong.

  • Richard Sinay

    My wife and I raised two millennials and they are both narcissistic. The conversations always have to be about what is going on in their lives and what they think my opinion is about it. They are more interested in hearing themselves talk out their issue than they are talking to me as a person. There is much truth to the fact that it is all about them. They are self serving.

    • Tanya

      Thank you for your thought, Richard. Definitely some truth to it.

      Do you think boomers are not self-serving?

  • Chris Ward

    Who wrote this rubbish? Definitely sounds like a narcissistic entitled selfie-lover

    • Tanya

      🙋🏻‍♀️ I did! Hi – it’s great to have you here, Chris.

  • Mary D.

    This described me to a tee. Greatly dislike value judgements like “lazy.” That word has a racist history in the West, specifically used to describe Black people by Whites so they could feel superior and justify violence. Using the word lazy, turns a person’s worth into how much labour can be extracted from them.

  • I’m a millennial. I’m republican, a God fearing Christian, and I believe in earning my money and not getting it free from the government. I yearn for travel, adventure, and knowledge. I’m working on my master’s degree in library science and I’ve been working my ass off in the medical field since I turned 19. I’m really tired of the boomer generation judging us so harshly. We do best that we can.

  • Robert Painter

    So much for unbiased. Nice fluff piece to make you all feel better about yourselves and each other, all the while disrespecting every generation before you. The Greatest Generation was appropriately titled. They actually saved the world. It’s the Boomers and Gen X that built all of the technology that you live in and the music and culture that millennial hipsters have used as if it were their own.

    • Tanya

      I’m actually working on least favourable characteristics of Millennials right now, which I will add to this article soon.Thanks for your comment btw 😉

    • Suzelle

      As a leader to millennials (or any other human being on the planet), you will get no where as long as you stand in judgment of how they are.
      Your job is to understand how to reach them, challenge them, mentor them.
      But that starts, like it always has with human beings, by relating to them as their greatness, relating to them as what makes them special, not placing them in a “basket of deplorables”

  • Priscilla Tate

    The problem is, ppl of the older generations don’t want that because they only see us leaving our jobs under them as their next competition. And you older generations do everything in your power to prevent our progress to do our own stuff by all the complains yall put in to state and city governed work forces. And you claim we are lazy but we are just sick of workforce slavery. You own the jobs-

    • Priscilla Tate

      We are the majority of the laborers doing the hard work the one generation actually in and on the work force that’s doing the work. Younger generations are only there for the first few pay checks leave and only come back when they need money again. We want to do what’s best for our own living situations. And have our hard work respected and a substantial pay. Because if rent is more than our pay.

  • Suzelle

    🇿🇦 S-African Millennial here👋Odd, how to you it’s acceptable and even encouraged, it seems, to chew off, spit out, hate and obliterate the Millennial generation and no one bats an eye! Unfortunately, having broken my own sacred rule of “don’t read the comment section” I, as expected, read, many hateful things. Y? Millennials must only be hated? Dare anyone mention something positive -you 😡😤
