The Best Millennial And Gen Z Blogs And Writers (2024)
Google thinks that I’m the best Millennial and Gen Z blog in the UK. Fair enough and thank you.
There’s a growing interest in understanding the Millennial characteristics and I was able to experience it first-hand through my site stats.
Now, the UK’s national press is all over it and you know things are getting serious when the BBC, Telegraph, Independent, or the Guardian write about Millennials and Gen Z more than they should.
1. Slash Career
Slash Career writes about creative money stories that help you build your own thing, your way.
I’m a big believer in experimenting on the side—learning and creating while working for others. No experiment is ever wasted. Creative people need to explore, and through this process, one of three things will happen:
a) You’ll get exactly what you want
b) You’ll discover something even better
c) You’ll realise what you thought you wanted wasn’t the right fit after all
In all cases, the energy you invest in something you enjoy is never wasted. Even if it’s a process of elimination.
2. The Hyphen by Emma Gannon
The Hyphen is a newsletter/blog run by Millennial poster girl, Sunday Times Bestselling author Emma Gannon.
A cosy space for curious readers. Here you will find musings on work, wellbeing and creativity. I am a firm believer that you can create your own career path.
3. Wait But Why
Wait But Why the blog I don’t quite get. It talks about all kind of weird things. It’s definitely millennial. Or anti-millennial.
4. Millennial Marketing
Millennial Marketing team provides insight and commentary on the latest Millennial consumer and marketing trends.
Editor JEFF FROMM is known as the “Millennial Marketing Guy”™.
5. Elite Daily
Elite Daily was and is massively popular among the Millennials.
The Voice Of Generation-Y; news from your world delivered the way you want to hear it.
Elite Daily feels like Buzzfeed without pets, or Millennial Huff Po.
6. Mic
MIC is a media company focused on news for a generation known as the “millennials”. The company reaches 19 million unique monthly visitors and has a higher composition of 18- to 34-year-old readers than any other millennial-focused news site, includingBuzzFeed and Vice.
7. Life Without Pants
Life Without Pants. Work Smarter. Live Better. Pants Optional.
Living entrepreneurially is about working smarter and living better. Life Without Pants is itself a metaphor for living without restrictions.
A self-made entrepreneur, Matt spent the past several years living the “new” American dream, one that doesn’t involve climbing the corporate ladder or holding out for that gold watch and retirement plan – instead, paving my own road, learning new things, living fully, and taking on new challenges each day.
8. Broke Millennial
Broke Millennial is the journey of a 26-year-old Erin learning to be a fiscally responsible member of “Generation Me.”
“Since my fateful first lesson in economics I’ve become fascinated with building wealth and understanding money. Unfortunately, some of my fellow millennials don’t find money so empowering.
I started this site to increase financial literacy — mostly through telling funny financial tales from my own life and sneaking in an actual money lesson.”
9. Life After Collage
Life After College is a blog by Jenny Blake who inspires you to WAKE UP to your life – not to sleepwalk through it, or live it based on others’ expectations.
Jenny wants you to LIVE BIG – to go all out, to take great leaps, and to take big risks even if you are afraid of failure…especially when you are afraid of failure. Finally, she want to help you to live the life of purpose and greatness.
10. Lindsey Pollak
Lindsey Pollak helps organizations attract, engage, and train our global leaders of tomorrow.
A New York Times best-selling author and internationally recognized millennial expert, Lindsey offers keynote speeches and training sessions that inspire multigenerational collaboration and foster individual and organizational success.