Most newbies miscalculate their tax.
Pet grooming and supplies.
Are we done with celebrity beauty brands yet?
Why I offer discounts on second orders.
Make sure your idea is actually profitable.
AI is a tool, it doesn't have a taste.
Webflow for aesthetic sites. WordPress for everything else.
"I have greater job security as a freelancer!"
Come up with your own philosophy or mantra.
Why use your skills for somebody else's benefit?
Make it easy to buy from you.
The case for smarter shipping updates.
Being employed at one job, is the worst thing you can do.
Customer service is not a department.
Everyone should be making money online.
Pretend to have an office, when working from home.
Delegate busywork, say more no.
How to get your first 500 users fast(ish).
Perfection is intimidating and self-indulgence annoying.
I reinvest 50% of my profits into my online businesses.
Permanent jobs don't exist, start your own business at home.
If you’re reasonably intelligent, being employed at one role is one of the worst things you can do.
Taking your home security to another level.
My accountant ended up costing me only £60.
You don't have to manufacture your own clothes.
The problem you thought you are solving, isn’t big enough.
4 basic things to explore further.
How to tell if eCommerce is not for you?
Your time is controlled by other people's priorities!?
1/7 of UK workforce are self-employed.
It's based on financial desperation, not desire to share.