How Many Generation Z There Are In The USA [2024]?
by Tanya
April 15, 2024
Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, iGen, or Centennials, are generational cohort born roughly between 1997-2013.
20% of the USA population is Generation Z
There are 68.6 million of Gen Z (20.5% of the population), making them the 3rd largest generation after Millennials and Baby Boomers (Statista).
38% of USA Gen Z is in the workforce
As of 2023 1/3 of US Gen Z (that’s 26 million) are in the workforce (either part-time, full-time, or self-employed) while 51% are still students (Global Web Index).
That is 8% of the total US population of 333.3 million (2022).
Read more about Generation Z facts and statistics.
Tags: gen z