How To Improve Your Online Dating Profile

by Tanya December 09, 2020

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. So it’s important to create an authentic representation of yourself.

Here are 5 ways to step up your online dating profile:

1. Choose the best pictures

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Choosing the main profile picture where you smile makes your profile look more inviting.

And make sure your smile is genuine. Make sure to stand alone for most of your profile photos, including all of your main ones.

Online dating platforms like https://gochatty.com encourage users to create authentic profiles that showcase their true selves. Users can stand out and attract those with similar interests by adding creative elements, such as custom memes or unique photos. Avoiding common clichés and focusing on personal experiences helps ensure profiles resonate with potential matches.

You should choose a wide array of photos. For example, you need at least one close-up shot of your face along with one full-body picture. While you may be tempted to choose trendy props such as hats and sunglasses, you do not want it to appear as if you are hiding something.

2. Make every word count

With a limited amount of space to express yourself, you need to make every word count.

The goal is to keep your verbiage rich with content and short on words.

You should also not feel obligated to use up every inch of space. Blank space is an asset when looking to create a clean profile that does not appear too cluttered.

In addition to the space constraints, you also need to be cognizant that you do not bore the reader.

This means being brief and choosing words that are alive and interesting. Put yourself in the position of the reader and ask yourself if you would want to learn more about the person based on what you wrote.

3. Get creative

Do not be shy about getting creative with fun additions to your dating profile.

A fun way to showcase your personality is through the use of graphics or customized memes. It is easy to learn how to make a meme with an online generator.

You can play around with these tools until you find the perfect meme that is reflective of your personality.

A personalized meme is a great way to express yourself and let people know your sense of humour.

You will need to check with the hosting site to see what type of creative additions they allow.

4. Avoid cliches

Do not fall into the trap of using overused cliches on your dating profile. If a phrase feels like it is a cliche, it probably is.

You’ll look ordinary and not creative.

For example, saying that you love to travel and adventure does not really set you apart from the crowd.

Instead, detail a trip that you recently took that meant a lot to you.

The more that you rely on your own personal experiences and interests rather than tired cliches, the more that your profile will capture the interest of others.

While you may have to invest more time writing your copy in order to avoid sounding like everyone else, it will be well worth your effort when you begin to attract more interest.

5. Be yourself

All of the fancy online profile additions will not make a difference if you are not yourself.

Pick pictures and copy that allow your true personality to shine through. This will ensure that your date is not disappointed with the real version of yourself when you finally meet.

In the section about yourself, you also need to be clear about what you are looking for in a relationship. Many online daters spend more time talking about themselves instead of letting others know what they value in their partners.

You will get out of your online dating profile what you put into it. If you feel as if your profile is not attracting the type of people that you like, you may want to consider revamping your page to draw those people in and inspire them to reach out to you.

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