5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Website

by Tanya March 24, 2022

It’s not just about having a website; it’s having the right website.

If you’re currently thinking of updating your website, but you don’t know where to start, I’ve broken it down to the 4 improvements you can easily start with:

#1 Choose a better web hosting provider

A strong website is not just beautiful, but it’s also glitch-free, fast loading, and maximum uptime, so you may want to consider the benefits of web hosting with dedicated servers instead of sharing the hosting with other companies.

A dedicated hosting service is a type of Internet hosting in which the client leases an entire server not shared with anyone else.

#2 Create quality content

Your readers are looking for useful information. But in order for the content to be useful, it needs to be found first.

If you write content online you should understand how to optimise your content for search engines so that you can be visible for people who are actively looking for information you provide. Have a look at these free SEO tools  – an excellent resource for bloggers dipping their toes into SEO.

If you’re still not creating content that’s up to par with those in your industry, then you run the risk of falling behind.

If content and SEO isn’t something you are good at or enjoy working on, then simply outsource it. A Manchester-based digital marketing agency Toni Marino can take care of your SEO and content so you concentrate on making money.

Also, check out Temi’s UK business blog where you can find information about how to market your online business, including web hosting, social media, and performance marketing.

#3 Update your website design

When people visit your site, they see it as a reflection of your organisation. If your site looks professional and is loaded with useful information readers will see you as an authority and expert.

The out-of-date design will make you look old and irrelevant.

Your web design should highlight your product and/or service prominently (on the home page, above the fold) and the layout should look harmonious and consistent.

Look at your best competitors’ websites and compare them to yours. What can you improve?

Try to find a freelancer or an agency that has professional web design skills to update your website.

#4 Focus on effective call-to-actions

Many dated websites lack effective call-to-actions that convert users to customers.

A call-to-action (CTA) is a button or link that you place on your website to drive prospective customers to become leads by completing an action on your landing page.

Are your USP and call-to-actions highlighted clearly on every landing page? As important, are they interesting enough to persuade your visitor to complete the desired action?

#5 Improve the user experience on the website

UX includes how easy your site is to use, how fast it is, how easy it is to find information, and how little friction there is when visitors try to complete whatever action it is they’re trying to complete.

Traveltime allows companies to deliver the most relevant location site search results every time, which is excellent for conversion because you make your website more relevant to individual users’ needs.

Traveltime built a search ranking algorithm that can seamlessly identify which results are most likely to convert.

Your website navigation should focus on nudging the right visitor toward the must-have experience.

Here’s what you can start with:

  1. Use white space.
  2. Optimize your page speed.
  3. Use hyperlink differentiation.
  4. Segment key information with bullet points.
  5. Use images (wisely).
  6. Include well-designed and written headlines.
  7. Keep your website pages consistent.
  8. Catch your 404s. Dead pages are a no-no.
  9. Be responsive and mobile-friendly.

Positive user experience could be the difference between you making a new customer or not.

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The first Millennial blogger in the UK. Twitter @_luckyattitude

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