How To Outsource Mobile App Development The Right Way
Outsourcing app development is a common way to build your mobile presence without breaking the bank.
If you know where to look, you can get a high-quality app up and running at a fraction of the cost that it would take to have your app built in-house.
But application development outsourcing does take some time to master, as you could find unreliable partners and end up money pitting.
In this article, we will show you how to outsource mobile app development the right way without spending too much money and sacrificing quality.
Why you should outsource mobile app development
Before you see how to outsource operations, let’s look at 3 most important reasons you should dit it:
Access a global talent pool
Having the right resources and people in your team won’t just help your business stay ahead of the curve; it will also be critical to realising new capabilities.
Part of finding the right talent is knowing when to outsource work. While fully outsourcing applications could limit know-how sharing, that’s not a risk you need to take, especially since finding developers with mobile app development experience has recently become significantly more complicated.
It’s cheaper
Outsourcing app development might turn out to be a great deal financially; as app development is a very expensive process.
However, if you don’t have enough money, it doesn’t mean you can’t try to create a good product.
Outsourced developers might be up to 3 times more price-efficient than their fellows from Western Europe and the US.
It’s scalable
Mobile app development outsourcing companies provide great scalability, which you could use in your favour.
If your app turns out to be a success, you don’t have to wait months before hiring experts. Instead, you can assign more people to work on your project when you need resources and then offload the extra resources without practicing hiring & firing.
How to implement application development outsourcing
Let’s see how to outsource mobile app development successfully and avoid any issues.
Have a clear vision of the project
You need to be 100% clear about what you want to achieve. No ambiguities.
It will help ensure the process runs smoothly and that you end up with a product that meets your needs and expectations.
You can’t blame others if you don’t put things straight from the get-go.
Define your desired product
When you are ready to start developing your mobile app, you will need to choose your desired product.
Think of functionality and the look and feel. Draw a prototype to be super clear.
Write it down so that you have a clear idea of what you are aiming for.
This will help guide your development process and ensure that your team creates an app that meets your needs and expectations.
Set your budget
Keep a clear vision for your mobile app BEFORE you start setting a budget. This will help you identify potential partners and figure out how much money you need to invest.
By taking your time to do this upfront, you can save yourself a lot of hassle and expense down the road.
You need to know your limits, though, as you can easily fall into the trap of overpaying, and it doesn’t necessarily guarantee better results.
Compare different offers and providers
Now that you’ve set your budget, it’s time to start collecting offers from outsourcing mobile app companies.
Some may promise low prices, while others may offer reasonable prices and much expertise.
Be sure to speak to every provider individually and ask to meet their team. You’ll be able to get a good feel about their character by speaking to them. Trust your instinct.
If you are outsourcing from western Europe or USA, hiring someone from Eastern Europe will probably be the best cultural fit. Think of countries like Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, etc. These countries have highly educated, top web developers with excellent English and great cultural fit.
To avoid getting scammed, only work with a company that has good value for money, you like them and the work they’ve done before.
This way, you can be sure that you’re getting quality services at a fair price.
Ask to see examples of their case studies
You should ask the web developer/agency for detailed case studies and references of previous clients similar to yours. Don’t be afraid to speak to their previous clients.
Sign the contract
When you’re ready to move forward with your project, sign a contract and an NDA (non-disclosure agreement).
Make sure you fill in everything that concerns you beforehand, as you can’t argue about things that haven’t been stated previously in the contract.
Think of the things like the length of the contract. What are the cancellation options?
If they don’t deliver the expected results, make sure there isn’t a lock-in period in their contract.
You don’t just need a web developer, you need a web developer or an agency that’s right for your needs and your budget.
Application development outsourcing is not arduous, but you should make things work by being clear in your goals and fair in your price.
If you do your research, you’re set for success.