[2022] How Many Millennials There Are In The UK?

by Tanya February 05, 2022

Millennials, also known as Generation Y, is a generational cohort born between the years of 1980 to 2000.

Being the first truly digital generation, whose unique life experiences have changed the way we live, work and consume, it is believed that the lifestyles and attitudes of this generation are one of the fundamental causes of the rapidly changing world.

Since early 2016, Millennials have come to the center of the UK media attention.

The growing interest in the topic shows in my monthly visits, too. I now get 50,000-70,000 unique visitors a month.

The Google Trends map below shows the spike in the search term “millennials” in the UK since Jan-April 2016, the time my blog started rapidly growing.

Screen Shot 2016-05-05 at 11.48.50

Being the most talked about generation in history, there is a myriad of research conducted on Millennials in the US and in the UK.

According to the latest UK statistics, there were around 16.8 million 18-36 years old in the UK (about 1/4 of the whole population of 65.1 million).

In 2017 UK Millennials became the largest generation in the workforce as a record number of Baby Boomers headed to retirement.

Mainstream media accuses Millennials of being lazy, entitled narcissists, who aren’t able to function without a smartphone. For a more holistic view, read about Millennial characteristics and Millennial facts – the two pages, that I constantly update with objective research.

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The first Millennial blogger in the UK. Twitter @_luckyattitude

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