Own A Manufacturing Company? 9 Tips To Minimise Waste

by Tanya November 12, 2022

Waste is a big problem in the manufacturing industry. Whether it’s onset, or at your office, there are many ways that you can reduce waste and help minimize its negative impacts. Here are9 tips that will help you do just that.

1. Smaller storage spaces are cost-effective

If your warehouse is too big, then you’ll be spending too much money on space that you just don’t need. So it’s important to do some in-depth calculations to figure out how much space you really need.

Even the smallest warehouse can benefit from being well organised. Keep in mind that you might also need a range of different tools and machines. Things like forklift trucks, scissor lift tables, labelling, and a good layout can make your warehouse a safe place to work. 

2. Recycle paper

You can recycle paper, but only if you have a large enough supply of it. You will need to make sure that you always have a steady stream of recycled paper on hand before going ahead and allowing people to use this option instead of the brand-new paper. It is also important not to skimp on the quality of your recycled product when doing so because lower grade re-manufactured products may waste more resources than they save. If you want recyclable paper for your office, then consider buying in bulk from an online supplier such as Papermart or Earth Class Mail instead of buying it in smaller, retail quantities.

You can use recycled paper for all of your printing and writing needs. Recyclable paper can be used in copiers, fax machines, printers, and even as scratch pads or notebooks. Make sure to take advantage of this great resource available to you by using recycled paper instead of new products whenever possible.

3. Reuse pallets

If you have a production company, then the chances are pretty good that you work with pallets regularly. These types of wooden crates allow for easy movement and storage, while also ensuring your cargo is safe from potential harm. By taking this step, however, you can help to reduce production waste by reusing these useful items instead of continuing to buy new ones each time they break or get dirty. It may take some extra effort on your part, but it will be worth it in the end when you see how much money has been saved!

To reuse old pallets without causing further damage, simply sand them down until smooth and remove any excess nails sticking out along the sides. Next up, inspect all boards carefully for any weak points, splitting, or rotting. Once that is done, you can paint them with a waterproof coating and then use several coats of varnish to seal the deal!

It’s all about finding the balance between space to move and what’s right for your budget. An outside warehouse expert can help if you’re unsure. Investing in a pallet racking system and making tidiness a priority can both help prevent issues.

4. Classification of inventory 

You will most likely have some sort of stock management system in place, and that will have all of your SKU codes, But you should also think about what sells the most, the least, and in between. These can be labelled as faster sellers and slower sellers. It makes sense to have the fastest movers closer to the packing. 

When shipping to people in different countries, you should keep packaging and shipment needs in mind, such as the size differences between the uk pallet v euro pallet and what materials may not be allowed to come through customs in certain locations.

5. Opt for adjustable workbenches

Instead of changing your workstation for different manufacturing needs, choose height adjustable workbenches to minimise wasting resources needlessly.

Adjustable workbenches are equipped with everything your employees need to do their jobs, from design tools to drills and more.

You can even adjust the tools to your needs, making the workbenches more appropriate and effective for your team. Once you have these installed, you’ll speed up manufacturing and make sure your employees have everything they need to get their jobs done.

6. Reduce packaging waste

You can save a lot of money by reducing the amount of packaging waste your company generates. One option is to change from using boxes for shipping products in favor of paper bags or plastic bins. This will decrease the number of times you have to order new materials and provide cost savings.

You can also save money by opting not to use extra packing material at all if you are sending items in envelopes and posting them through regular mail delivery. This will keep costs down without risking damages during transit. There might be some restrictions on certain types of mailing, so always check beforehand! When choosing banding material, opt for the stretch film to reduce costs and waste. Stretch film is a lighter material that can be used to seal multiple boxes at once, rather than having tape or bulky banding materials just for one box.

7. Compost food scraps 

Food scraps and organic materials make up a significant part of your production waste. By composting this food, you can reduce the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills and produce rich fertilizer to use in your garden or yard.

Aerobic composting is the best type of compost for food scraps. This involves keeping materials in an airtight environment, allowing bacteria to decompose the waste without letting any oxygen or moisture escape. You can buy commercially available aerobic composters that are specially designed, so your scraps stay moist and aerated at all times. If you’re not ready to take this step just yet, however, don’t worry! A simple DIY option called a “worm bin” provides similar results using red worms (Eisenia fetida) instead of active bacteria. These particular types of earthworms encourage high-quality castings from organic material by speeding up the process while making it easy for anyone to get started.

8. Use reusable containers for storage

You can use reusable containers for storage, however, it is important to make sure these are sturdy and durable. You don’t want your employees spilling liquids, food, or supplies all over the floor because they didn’t have a proper place to store them! This will not only create more work for you but also waste even more of your time in cleaning up the mess that was made. Make sure you invest in high-quality plastic bins with lids that close tightly, so everything stays safe inside where it belongs.  Be careful when stacking items together, though, as sometimes certain types of material may seep through thin container walls and cause a mess.

In addition to this, you can also purchase stackable bins so that they are easier to store until needed again. If those aren’t available for your production company, look at using crates as well instead of boxes. Crates allow the user to place heavier objects on top without worrying about them falling or exploding out when opened later down the road!

9. Encourage your employees to think about waste

Despite production waste being a serious concern for any company, thinking of new and creative ideas to reduce it can seem like an impossible task. Read more about 8 things I do at work I didn’t realise are green.

Facilitating discussions about production waste and how employees might help recycle materials will inspire them to rethink their approach to certain projects. This reduces stress levels by encouraging new ways of approaching problems instead of simply sticking to old habits without considering other options first. It’s important not just as a green initiative but also as a time-saving one! After all, no production manager wants unhappy workers who look at every project as more work than something fun and exciting they are excited to pursue. By encouraging production waste discussions among employees, you can help them discover new ways of tackling problems that save both time and money in the future!

By following these tips, your production waste will be reduced significantly, which means it will cost much less money for you to run a successful business long term! Doing whatever possible to reduce waste production is beneficial no matter what type of industry you work in because every little bit helps make an impact over time.

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