Waiting 2 years for promotion is a waste of time.
Customer service is not a department.
Rethink everything you know about institutions, authority and technology.
Play the 'Pass the mic to continue the story' game.
Learn to set boundaries in your household.
We decide whether to stay or leave in the first 6 months.
The business school of the future is here.
Heard of an anonymous employee suggestion box?
Remote work is permanent (even after vaccine).
Now we're even socialising and exercising online.
Nobody cares about your degree.
Do lazy intelligent people achieve more than active intelligent people?
These 8 tech trends are shaping modern businesses.
New jobs & assignments every 1-2 years. We hate stagnation.
Deal with annoying colleagues better.
Only 18% of graduates are securing jobs this year.
4 Blockchain business applications you didn't know about.
What is the best thing you ever did?
Opt for an open-plan - only a bit.
Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
How to build brand awareness on a budget?
It's all Millennials' fault.
Being smart and passing exams are two different skills.
Millennials work hard, but only when it benefits them.
Tired of working? Don't resign, take a sabbatical instead.
Give me time and energy over pay rise any day.
Your feelings are too much.
Your time is controlled by other people's priorities!?
Location, location, location.
Your friends are working in the office. Together. WITHOUT YOU.
How is this your agenda? You have to rethink how you do your job.
No individual should have a say on another person's pay, job title or promotion!
Millennials leave jobs for more money, Gen X’s leave for better work-life balance.
I discussed Millennials with Coca-Cola, eBay, Google and Louis Vuitton.
Why I freaking love working in Digital PR?
Since flexible working is something I and many other Millennials care about, I wanted to get it straight.
Disclosure: I am Estonian and very proud!
They train all their floor staff into a terrifying army of highly trained sales ninjas.
I got David on Skype.
Innovation comes from bottom-up company culture.
According to research big words, make people think you're even dumber.
I used to work in a company, where being busy was a virtue. People cut back on sleep to be
Forget about improving your weaknesses, because you can never get great at things in which you are bad.
It's the gut feeling, plus the obvious.
Work is an activity and not a place.
Why some people are rich and others are poor?
Moms and dads wouldn't handle our stress!